Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Day God Was Born

          We celebrate Christmas every 25th day of December. We give each other a presents or gifts without really knowing the true essence of Christmas. Some people may only notice Christmas for their Christmas bonuses. Some also celebrating Christmas for a tour or vacations. But the question is, do you know the true spirit of Christmas? We can share gifts, we can have Christmas bonuses, and we can have tour or vacations but always remember that Christmas is a season we celebrate the birth of Christ the king.
          Sometimes we heard some people say "Oh, It's December, an expensive month". This line caught my attention, whys is it people are talking about an expensive month instead of being happy because it is the birth month of our King. It is because you need to buy gifts or stuffs for your love ones? Don't set it in your mind even though you have no gifts as long as you give love to other, it is enough for God.We will always remember that Jesus himself said "Love thy neighbor as thyself".
          Always remember this lines from Christina Georgina Rossetti. "Love came down at Christmas, Love all Lovely, Love Divine; Love was born at Christmas, Star and Angels gave the sign". Essence of Christmas is not found under the Christmas Tree but were there is sharing of hope, peace, joy, and love to all.

For God Does Not Show Favoritism

          All people should be treated equally. Religion, sex, age, and other petty differences should not matter. We all have equal rights and equal opportunities in life. Everyone has the right to everything. Even in the constitution, it is present there that we have our rights equally in this world.
          I believe that people in general are all equal but hold different statuses in life. You can hold a higher status and can be considered above the rest but in the end we are all still the same. Everyone has the right to be heard. We have the right to life, education. civil rights and others but most importantly, we all have human rights. Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person, from birth until death. And even in the eyes of the God, we are all equal. We are all the same in His sight because He does not show favoritism. But life is just full mysteries. Many of us take away the rights of others. Many of us is abusive specially when we were on the top. The good values and trails of a person is fading. Our world is such a beautiful place and it will be better if all nations and human being will treat each other with equal rights and equal opportunities.
          Equal rights and equal opportunities will only be achieve when all of us will learn how to appreciate others and treat them with respect. Let us execute equal rights and equal opportunities in a place wherein we can call a peaceful world.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Key:Love and Care For Children

                It is the time to recognize the value of Filipino Children as the most valuable assets in the society.
                In this world, children play a vital role in the society and in the life of a person. They serve as happiness especially to their parents and family. A children are nurtured first at home and it is the responsibility of the parents to protect and give a wonderful life to their children. But the sad part is that millions of children in every country, every culture, and at every social level face various abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. Growing up with violence and abuse seriously affects the child’s development, dignity, physical, and psychological integrity that’s why the National Children’s Month’s goal is to end violence against children and to promote their physical, emotional, moral, spiritual and intellectual aspect in life by recognizing children as the most valuable assets in the society and by protecting them from abuses.
                We must AFFIRM every child in this world. Let us Acknowledge their month. Let us show to them that they are our Friend and that we do a Favour for them. Let us treat them with Respect. And most importantly, let us  Motivate them to enjoy life to the fullest in that way, they will feel the love that they need.

Reflection: 4th Quarter

M any teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technol...