Wednesday, August 1, 2018

SONA 2018

Serving with concern to lives of Filipinos is the president stated to his SONA. He emphasized the war on drugs that destroys human lives, one's family and the country. There are negative impact to others but there are also positive things given to us. People who are addicted to drugs surrendered and trying to change for their betterment.

He also committed a promised to fixed and punished to talk with the Bangsamoro officials to have a peace talk for the safety of the Muslim people in Mindanao. He said that he will not stop to give the necessary action to this matter.

Overall, the SONA of the President Rodrigo  Roa Duterte talks about then improvement and actions to the years coming and we people are hopeful to see and feel the changes he imposed in the future.


Reflection: 4th Quarter

M any teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technol...