Friday, February 15, 2019

My Way To My Euphoria

          Year 2018 has already ended but there are still some memories that keeps lingering on my mind. All i can say is that my year 2018 was full of regrets because of some of my reckless decisions. Although it might hurt but I need to accept the fact that I messed up and let them serve as a lesson so that I will not make the same mistakes again.

             I know that I can't control my temper and I know that my pride overpowered me but now I promise that I will change so that I might become a better person  not only for me but for the people around me. I will try my best to make better decisions. And to those person that I hurt, I vow that I will make it up to them. It's a new year so I have to make new and happy memories so that I can forget my painful past.

              This year, I have given the chance to renew myself and change my bad attitudes. And all this is going to be possible with the help of people that are important to me, my friends and especially my family who is always there to support, guide and help me.               

Reflection: 4th Quarter

M any teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technol...