Friday, March 8, 2019

Reflection: 4th Quarter

Many teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technology (ICT) we tackled about Photoshop and  I  realized the hard work of the people working with Photoshop. This Quarter I learned on how to blend picture,  make funny and amazing edited pictures.

During this last quarter, I also faced challenges or problems. One of these is time. Time is the biggest problem for me because I don't know how to manage it or use it well that's why sometimes it's hard for me to finish our task. Another factor is my laziness. I spent a lot of time in sleeping than finishing my works. I also easily get distracted by my gadgets. And also, there are lots of requirements that were given to us that's why sometimes I don't know where to start.

Moving on, I will keep the knowledge that I learned about Photoshop on how to edit pictures and use this for the future.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Bridge of My Dream

            I’m no longer the little girl that once needed help from her parent’s in carrying out goals she wanted to achieve; instead I am the girl who pursues goals that I want to achieve. Being a completer of Junior High School, this was a great success in my life. I admit that sometimes it is difficult to study; you wake up early just to make sure your equipment is complete, late to sleep just to finish your assignments and projects. You will lose the ability to study especially if you do not have ambition that you want to achieve in your life.

           "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it take sweat, determination, and hard work"-Colin Powell. If you want to reach your dream in your life, you have to overcome the challenges you will face, you have to give everything you can because no one will make a way to reach your dream but yourself, be strong and do not give up because your hard work will bring good results to your life. Many people were not encouraged to dream. Others have dreams but lose hope and set them aside because they have no idea how to achieve their dreams. 

              "A dream is the seed of possibility planted in the soul of a human being, which calls him to pursue a unique path to the realization of his purpose"-Sharon Hull. Most people I know have a dream. Dreams are important. Because without dreams, there will be no ambition to chase. We will all be nothing without a dream.  

117th High School Day Celebration

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and crowd

          High School Day is an event in which the Ilocos Sur National High School celebrates every year and this March 1 and 2 was the 117th Foundation Day of our school. Students of each section are in their own costumes holding their own props walking with their classmates and their teachers.

The Grade 7 boys were holding a red and yellow fan-like made up of paper and the girls were wearing a white gloves. The Grade 8 boys were holding a stick and a drum made up of bamboo, the girls were wearing an Indian costume. The Grade 9 boys were holding a stick and a white cloth, the girls were holding an umbrella. The Grade 1o boys were also holding a stick with different colors of their flag, the girls had a flower made up of paper in their risk. The Grade 11 boys had a shield and spear while the girl's costume was inspired by the anime called Sailor Moon. And the last performer of the boys were the Grade 12 and they were holding a white flag while the Grade 12 girls were holding a fan with different colors.

All of the presentations was beautiful and stimulating attention with the help of the MAPEH teachers, without their help we can not do it properly. And I also want to share that all the students of Ilocos Sur National High School are happy for the success of this event.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Pride of The Ilocano Culture

To show and share the treasures of Ilocos Sur to the whole world, the locals conceived a festival that highlights these cultural traditions and they called it the “Kannadiwan Festival”.

        Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is the official festival of the province of Ilocos Sur. Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is a festival which the city of Vigan celebrates every last week of January until the 2nd week of February and it is also the best culture of Ilocos Sur, from traditional costumes and folk dances to tribal rites and band marching contests.

This is festivity has a great impact to the people for it show how their province live. This festival is very significant to every resident in the province as they are celebrating the foundation of Ilocos Sur as a provice by virtue of the Royal Decree signed on february 2, 1818. Ilocos Sur especially Vigan is branded as the Heart of Ilocandia by the Philippine Historical Committee.  Kannawidan means traditions and this province go to showcase all what it has.

               We must be proud of being an Ilocano because even foreigners admire our culture and traditions. All of these  are evidence that the Kannawidann Ylocos Festival is already  becoming a fast rising festival in the country as shown by the number of participants and tourist who flocked and become a part of the festival.This festival reminds us not to forget about our culture and traditions.

Changing Myself Also Changes The World

           “Most people want to change the world to improve their lives, but the world they need to change first is the one inside themselves.”-John C. Maxwell. If you want to see something in your world, you need to first have it within youOne word, six letters but every one of us needs, the change. An unavoidable fact in which everything must be changed, with no permanent existence in this world except for the word change.

If we want our future better, we must change and correct our wrongdoing, which never helps in any way and becomes worse. One example is that we always blame our government and officials for the problems we face today. We can't blame them for every single one.The state of our country or the world depends on me, on you, and of all people created by our Lord. So our world will only improve if we can improve ourselves and we need to work together for the good of our world.

         We all know that it is possible to change the world. We also know it's hard to do because if you want to change the world, you need to change yourself first. Change your habits for the development of our world. Change so that we can progress, change so that we can be the best of us.

Friday, February 15, 2019

My Way To My Euphoria

          Year 2018 has already ended but there are still some memories that keeps lingering on my mind. All i can say is that my year 2018 was full of regrets because of some of my reckless decisions. Although it might hurt but I need to accept the fact that I messed up and let them serve as a lesson so that I will not make the same mistakes again.

             I know that I can't control my temper and I know that my pride overpowered me but now I promise that I will change so that I might become a better person  not only for me but for the people around me. I will try my best to make better decisions. And to those person that I hurt, I vow that I will make it up to them. It's a new year so I have to make new and happy memories so that I can forget my painful past.

              This year, I have given the chance to renew myself and change my bad attitudes. And all this is going to be possible with the help of people that are important to me, my friends and especially my family who is always there to support, guide and help me.               

Monday, January 7, 2019

Reflection: 3rd Quarter

Time flies really so fast, the third quarter from my Grade 10 journey has again ended and one more quarter before I will complete my Grade 10 year. I learned more than enough this quarter. 

Many teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technology (ICT) I learned on how to make a Web Design

During the third quarter, I also faced challenges or problems. One of these is time. Time is the biggest problem for me because I don't know how to manage it or use it well that's why sometimes it's hard for me to finish our task. Another factor is my laziness. I spent a lot of time in sleeping than finishing my works. I also easily get distracted by my gadgets. And also, there are lots of requirements that were given to us that's why sometimes I don't know where to start.

Despite these challenges, I had overcome them by motivating myself. I will do everything I can to imprint on my mind everything I learned in this quarter. I will do my best to share what I have learned with my fellow students so as to increase their knowledge as I do. I am happy because I have learned more about the ICT subject and hopefully on the next mark I will learn more to get more knowledge.

Reflection: 4th Quarter

M any teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technol...