Monday, January 7, 2019

Reflection: 3rd Quarter

Time flies really so fast, the third quarter from my Grade 10 journey has again ended and one more quarter before I will complete my Grade 10 year. I learned more than enough this quarter. 

Many teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technology (ICT) I learned on how to make a Web Design

During the third quarter, I also faced challenges or problems. One of these is time. Time is the biggest problem for me because I don't know how to manage it or use it well that's why sometimes it's hard for me to finish our task. Another factor is my laziness. I spent a lot of time in sleeping than finishing my works. I also easily get distracted by my gadgets. And also, there are lots of requirements that were given to us that's why sometimes I don't know where to start.

Despite these challenges, I had overcome them by motivating myself. I will do everything I can to imprint on my mind everything I learned in this quarter. I will do my best to share what I have learned with my fellow students so as to increase their knowledge as I do. I am happy because I have learned more about the ICT subject and hopefully on the next mark I will learn more to get more knowledge.

1 comment:

Reflection: 4th Quarter

M any teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technol...