Monday, August 13, 2018


I have learned many things in ICT 10 in this first grading. One of the things that I learned was the importance of the internet in our lives, the things that are part of the internet and who are the people created various internet things. One of the things I learned also is how to create your own blog account and how to post your blog. Another is all about Search Engines.

In my studies there are problems that come and we cannot avoid. One of the problem I've experienced is the lack of time. As a student we have to do all the requirements that are being made to us so there are times when we cannot do well with our other requirements due to the lack of time. Another is losing self-esteem. There are times when our requirements are difficult, we like to give up immediately.

How did I solve the problems that came into my life? Just believe in yourself that you can do it no matter what. Be strong enough to face those challenges you may encounter. Work hard for what you want and you will achieve the success you're aiming for.  You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything. If somebody puts you down or criticize you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive. And the most important is we should ask the guidance of our almighty God in everything we do. Always remember that our God is always in our side and He is always guiding us in our journey. As long as we put our 100% trust in Him, He will never betray us. And most especially, we must trust in God's plan for us and let us put God our first priority in life.

I will do everything I can to imprint on my mind everything I learned in this quarter. I will do my best to share what I have learned with my fellow students so as to increase their knowledge as I do. I am happy because I have learned more about the ICT subject and hopefully on the next mark I will learn more to get more knowledge.


Reflection: 4th Quarter

M any teenagers nowadays are really into computer. We all know that in this grading period of the subject Information Communication Technol...