Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Values of the Filipinos

     In this month of November the country is celebrating the Filipino Values Month. This annual celebration is an effective measure to create moral awakening and national consciousness on unique, positive, and genuine values held important by the Filipino people in their daily lives. This celebration aims to strengthen the values that we have and it reminds us to preserve those values which signifies our personality and whom we are known for.
     Filipinos are known for their good values which rotates on the four pillars namely; maka-Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, and makabansa. These values mirror the country's rich tradition and cultural heritage which are developed from the people's direct experiences. Values formation starts at home. It starts within the family. This year, we need to help each other to preserve and strengthen our good values towards the betterment and improvement of one's life. Some of the good values we have are, helpful, hospitable, positive personalities, respect for each other, productive, responsible, and others. These values distinguished us from the nation hence making this country a better place to live in.
     We celebrate Values Month Celebration every year for us to be reminded that we, Filipinos, has good moral values which we can be proud of. Let us help each other to share and express our good values and let us not be selfish. Share the love, share the goodness to everyone!

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