Tuesday, November 20, 2018

English: Universal Language

     As the English Month theme says-"Engaging Challenges through Speech, Reading and Writing in a Healthy Competition" let us upgrade our skills in English language. We all know that English is the universal language of the world which binds every nations. Some people may say that English is not important as long as we know how to speak our own language which is the Filipino language. But this is a wrong perspective. English is the language of International Communication, the language of Business, gives you access to the world of Entertainment, gives you access to more of the internet, and etc.

        In celebrating this English month, they allow us to realize that English can be the medium of instruction in our country to provide higher education system. We should not lose our interest on communicating with the world. Long Live English. Learn this language and be proficient enough to be a productive citizen in speaking this language. But a Filipino citizen always bear in mind that we must still use our own language as a sign of nationalism and patriotism.

               We can connect back by the use of English Language. We must revive English Language, because as we all know, people nowadays is contended in their own dialect. English may be something forgotten or ignored, so we must discover it again by learning and getting knowledge about it.

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